Oil painting of a landscape with a golden frame

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French oil painting on plywood board, depicting a lake at the foot of the mountain. On the shore a fisherman talks with the passengers of a boat. On the left the trees seem to lie down towards the lake hoping to be able to touch the flat surface of the water. In the background, some mountains...
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French oil painting on plywood board, depicting a lake at the foot of the mountain. On the shore a fisherman talks with the passengers of a boat. On the left the trees seem to lie down towards the lake hoping to be able to touch the flat surface of the water. In the background, some mountains merge with the sky and clouds. Made in the second half of the 1800s and in good condition. The frame is in gilded plaster. On request we provide a quote for cleaning the painting and retouching the frame. The size of the cardboard is 24 cm long and 18.5 cm wide