19th century paintings

19th century paintings

An endless selection of nineteenth century paintings from the best art galleries. The nineteenth century painting featured in this collection varies in styles, colors, subjects. Still lifes, landscapes, portraits, religious scenes and much more.

Oil painting on canvas reproduced on wood: "Madonna with Child" depicting the Madonna del Libro with landscape in the background on a Renaissance setting. Tuscany, 19th century Antique frame Frame measurements: width 55.5 x height 79.5 Table measurements: width 47.5 x height 70.5
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Oil painting on canvas depicting the face of a Dominican friar. Skilled pictorial technique with detailed features and the pleasant use of chiaroscuro. Unrecognizable signature lower left. Good conservation conditions, natural, small signs of aging and old restorations on the back of the canvas...
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Giuseppe Riva (Ivrea 1834-1916) - Signed G.Riva Venice "The Island of San Giorgio" Oil on canvas Contemporary gilded frame Excellent condition Plate 29 x 57 frame 50 x 80 The painting, with evident impressionist characteristics, depicts a magnificent view of the Chiesa della Salute and...
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Francesco Fergola (Naples, 1801 - 1875) Views of Pompeii Tempera on paper, 33 x 48 cm - with frame 49 x 64 cm The two views in question are signed by Francesco Fergola, painter, known for his work as a landscape painter, born in Naples in 1801, since, in the act of death, in 1875, he is said to...
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Attr. to Annibale Gatti (Forlì 1827 - Florence 1909) Allegorical scene Oil on paper applied to panel, 25 x 30 cm - with frame 36 x 42 The allegorical work, for analysis and stylistic comparison, is certainly attributable to the hand of Annibale Gatti (1827-1909). Pupil of Giuseppe Bezzuoli, he...
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Oil painting on canvas with a young beggar and his poodle dog of English manufacture from the first half of the 19th century with an antique coeval frame in pure gold leaf.
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Copy of oil paintings on canvas of Piedmont origin from the second half of the 19th century. The paintings need to be restored (see photo).
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Small delightful picture with children playing. It comes from Northern Europe, probably Flemish; it could also date back to the end of the 1700s. For years I have kept it reserved for me, in my office, simply resting on a writing desk: the image of those children playing makes me happy. It...
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Artista assai meticoloso, i soggetti preferiti di Hofmeister sono motivi viennesi: paesaggi e vedute urbane, specializzato nella pittura ad olio su metallo. Il dipinto in esame è molto animato e ogni parte è descritta con dovizia di particolari. La bella scena raffigurante una...
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Mosè Bianchi - Madre Figlia Opera acquerello su carta raffigurante " Madre e Figlia" firmata in basso a destra. Il dipinto è stato realizzato intorno ai anni 1870/80, quando l'artista si dedicava agli studi su soggetti di genere. In quest'opera è ben visibile lo studio sulle figure in contrasto...
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"Studio per figure" acquerello su carta (cm 17x26) In cornice
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Dipinto olio su tela di epoca ottocentesca raffigurante un paesaggio collinare con personaggi e case. Opera firmata dal pittore inglese Frank Stone (1800 – 1859), entro cornice in legno dorato. Misure senza cornice: altezza 30.2 cm, larghezza 61 cm. Misure con cornice: altezza 52.5 cm, larghezza...
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Dipinto olio su tela, di epoca ottocentesca, raffigurante un paesaggio con fiume in primo piano e colline sullo sfondo. Opera firmata dal pittore inglese Frank Stone (1800 – 1859), entro cornice in legno dorato. Le dimensioni della tela sono: altezza 30.2 cm, larghezza 61 cm. Misure con cornice:...
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Lino Baccarini (Gonzaga 1893 - Milano 1973) Giovanne donna Firmato sulla sinistra a metà In cornice
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Antico dipinto italiano della fine del XIX secolo. Opera ad olio su tela raffigurante soggetto di arte sacra Via Crucis Misure dipinto 52x74 cm.
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Antico dipinto italiano religioso Via Crucis del XIX secolo tecnica olio su tela Misure dipinto 52x74 cm
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Dipinto olio su tela raffigurante ritratto con cornice dorata e decorata. Il dipinto si presenta in buone condizioni per contatti e info info@nathanmillerartstyle.com
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Dipinto olio su tela raffigurante scena di corte misure senza cornice 101x75 per info e contatti info@nathanmillerartstyle.com
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Dipinto dai toni chiari e distensivi, raffigurante una veduta fantastica di  paesaggistica con tempio e figure, ambito emiliano, databile già nel XIXsec. La tavoletta presenta un restauro di consolidamento. Il dipinto è inserito in una bella cornice del XVIIIsec. dorata a...
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Antique large German painting with an Italian landscape - Many European painters came to Italy to paint its beautiful natural landscape, full of sun. This painter is Franz Krause, born in Germany 31th March 1823, died in Leitmeritz on 18th March 1878. O / 7427. Details CREATOR Franz Krause...
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Rare set of three paintings, studies for Aubusson Tapestry - "Putti with musical and scientist instruments" Allegory of Astronomy, Music and Art. The painter was a follower of François Boucher or Jean Honoré Fragonard. nr. 1132 - 1133 - 1134. - Details OF THE PERIOD Aubusson PLACE OF...
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Nicola Palizzi (Vasto, February 20, 1820 - Naples, September 20, 1870), oil on canvas, depicting a view of the Gulf of Naples, signed lower right. Dimensions: 47 x 34 cm
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