Philipp GALLE (Haarlem 1537 - Antwerp 16...
Philipp GALLE (Haarlem 1537 - Antwerp 1612) "The Triumph of Christ" Original monogrammed engraving in plate "PG F" from a subject by Martin van Heemskerk for the series of the Six Triumphs of Petrarch which is No. 6. Beautiful specimen in the first state, datable to 1565, printed on a portion of thin laid paper bearing the "Aquila" watermark, defined by Briquet as typical of sixteenth-century paper production, with large margins beyond the imprint of the plate, some small patches of rust, slight creases and small defects on the large white edges but overall in excellent general condition. Christ occupies the central part of the composition, on a cloud together with the symbols of the Evangelists (the ox for Luke, the Eagle for John, the lion for Mark and the angel for Matthew), below him four musician angels who announce the Judgment, on the left St. Peter and the Virgin. Bibliography: Briquet “Les Filigranes” Leipzig 1923 vol.1 pag. 62. Hollstein "Dutch and Flemish Etchings, Engravings and Woodcuts" Amsterdam 1969-91 (Galle 394). “The New Hollstein - Philips Galle” Rotterdam 2001 part.II n ° 298 Measurements in mm: 193 x 263