Philipp GALLE (Haarlem 1537 - Antwerp 16...
Philipp GALLE (Haarlem 1537 - Antwerp 1612) "Bear hunt" Original etching by a subject by Johannes Stradano for the collection entitled "Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium ..." published in Antwerp by Galle himself after 1580. Beautiful copy printed on a portion of thin laid paper bearing the "Double letter C crossed with cross and crown" typical of North European paper production of the seventeenth century, coming from the second edition enlarged to one hundred and four subjects and with the numbering on the bottom left. with large margins beyond the imprint of the slab and in excellent general condition. Bibliography: Baroni Vannucci "Jan van der Straet ..." Milan 1997 page 375 n ° 20. The Illustrated Bartsch No. 104 and spec. Measurements in mm: 217 x 294