Lazzaro Baldi The Baptism of the Crowds

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Lazzaro Baldi Pistoia 1624 - Rome 1703 The baptism of the crowds Oil on canvas, 82.5 x 132.5 cm Artist voted in almost entirely exclusive way to the vast surfaces of the altar paintings (and fresco), very rarely Lazzaro Baldi it is left in the reduced format. And if we keep in mind that what we...
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Massimo Bonino inizia la sua attivita' nell'ambito del restauro del mobile ant...
Lazzaro Baldi Pistoia 1624 - Rome 1703 The baptism of the crowds Oil on canvas, 82.5 x 132.5 cm Artist voted in almost entirely exclusive way to the vast surfaces of the altar paintings (and fresco), very rarely Lazzaro Baldi it is left in the reduced format. And if we keep in mind that what we possess in small is mostly represented by propedeutic models to paintings of altar or canonization paintings (genre that the painter applied with singular transport), the appearance of a room painting ' autonomous' as the one that is exposed in this circumstance, moreover of excellent quality, acquires a relief anything else c

Araba Fenice di Massimo Bonino & C sas

Via Pesciatina 1500 Picciorana
LUCCA, 55100