Game with dog, Baldassarre De Caro, 18th century, OIio on canvas

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Baldassarre De Caro (Naples, 1689-1750) Game with dog Oil on canvas, 49 x 62 cm The subject and the formal characteristics allow the canvas to be attributed to the Neapolitan artist Baldassarre De Caro, who lived between 1689 and 1750 and still today known as a specialist in game scenes, so much...
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Ars Antiqua SRL
Ars Antiqua SRL Ars Antiqua apre nel 2000 per iniziativa di Federico Bulga...
Baldassarre De Caro (Naples, 1689-1750) Game with dog Oil on canvas, 49 x 62 cm The subject and the formal characteristics allow the canvas to be attributed to the Neapolitan artist Baldassarre De Caro, who lived between 1689 and 1750 and still today known as a specialist in game scenes, so much so that the artist is given good prominence in the volume La vita morta in Italia, published in 1989, which constitutes an essential study tool for approaching the subject 1. Born in Naples in 1689, the De Caro was a pupil of Andrea Belvedere, master of the tradition of "fioranti" (painters of flower vases), from whom he initially inherited, as well as the style, the subjects of

Ars Antiqua SRL

Via Pisacane, 55
Milano, 20129