Priest with umbrella and lantern

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Boxwood netsuke depicting a Shinto priest with an umbrella and a finely carved lantern. He wears the geta and holds an umbrella with his right hand and the lantern with the other. Provenance: Japan Period: Edo XVIII century. Dimensions: 7.5 x 2.5 x 2 cm. State of conservation: Excellent
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La nostra galleria è situata a Milano e siamo specializzati in arte Giapponese in modo...
Boxwood netsuke depicting a Shinto priest with an umbrella and a finely carved lantern. He wears the geta and holds an umbrella with his right hand and the lantern with the other. Provenance: Japan Period: Edo XVIII century. Dimensions: 7.5 x 2.5 x 2 cm. State of conservation: Excellent

Mastromauro Arte Giapponese

MILANO, 20127