Moses and the Daughters of Jetro

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Tempera on paper, applied to hardboard. The biblical episode depicted, narrated in the book of Exodus, tells of how the young Moses, still at the court of the Pharaoh of Egypt, defends the seven young daughters of the priest Jetro, bothered by some Midianite shepherds while they draw water from...
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Tempera on paper, applied to hardboard. The biblical episode depicted, narrated in the book of Exodus, tells of how the young Moses, still at the court of the Pharaoh of Egypt, defends the seven young daughters of the priest Jetro, bothered by some Midianite shepherds while they draw water from the well. Following this intervention, Moses will receive as wife one of the daughters of Jetro, Sefora. Subject widely re-proposed in art, it is presented here with particular attention to the portrait component, with a particular exacerbation of the expressive traits, both in the faces and in the poses, of the characters. The scene is very lively, with the figure of Moses in the middle, vigo

Di Mano in Mano Soc. Coop.

Via Castellazzo, 8
Cambiago, 20040