Italian abstract painting

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Oil painting on canvas by Alberto Boschi from the 90s. Abstractly represents a landscape - His pictorial language is in constant evolution, so it is not easy to find these paintings in circulation yet. cm. 82 x 76 - ref. inv. O / 4823 -
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Enrica Pasino
Antiquariato: oggetti, mobili, quadri, tappeti. Perito del Tribunale per tappet...
Oil painting on canvas by Alberto Boschi from the 90s. Abstractly represents a landscape - His pictorial language is in constant evolution, so it is not easy to find these paintings in circulation yet. cm. 82 x 76 - ref. inv. O / 4823 -

Enrica Pasino

Via 24 Maggio, 1
Alessandria, 15121